Speaker: Diler Aslan (TR)
Moderator: Sedef Yenice (TR)
Date: 2019-10-8 at h. 18.00 CET
The “ISO 15189:2012 Medical laboratories – Requirements for quality and competence” Standard is globally accepted accreditation standard for medical laboratories. It is based upon the “ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements” and “ISO 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration” Standards. The last versions of these standards, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17025:2017, focus on process approach and risk-based thinking, and they can be adapted more easily to the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” Cycle that is the fundamental continuous quality improvement tool. If the "Total Testing Process" of a medical laboratory and sub-processes are established according to the “Business Process Management” principles, the requirements of ISO 15189 can be fulfilled. In this webinar, we will try to explain: 1) how to establish the total testing process and its sub-processes of a medical laboratory (also for a specific analyte that has inherent characteristics) according to the process approach and risk-based quality control; 2) how to correlate the process components to the requirements for the ISO 15189; and 3) which knowledge and competencies are necessary according to the requirements of the ISO 15189.
About the speaker
Prof. dr. Diler Aslan is Quality Coordinator and the Chair of the Bologna Coordination Commission of Pamukkale University, Turkey. She is technical expert on the ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Accreditation at Turkish Accreditation Institute and member of several councils of the Turkish Ministry of Health. Furthermore, she is Turkish national representative of IFCC, corresponding member of IFCC Committee Education in the Use of Biomarkers in Diabetes (C-EUBD) and coordinator in the project EurA1c 2016, 2017 and 2018 HbA1c Trials organized by IFCC C-EUBD. Finally, she is a founder of D-Tek Technology Development, Production, Training and Consultancy Services Industry and Trade Ltd. Company at Pamukkale TechnoPark Denizli, Turkey.
How to register
Registration at: https://elearning.eflm.eu/course/view.php?id=45
The participation is free of charge.