Tájékoztatjuk az MLDT tagjait, hogy a 2020 január 31-én lezajlott szavazás alapján az IFCC Vezetőségi tagja és titkára a 2021-23 periódusra: Dr. David Kinniburgh (Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists - CSCC), az IFCC Vezetőségi tagja és pénztárosa a 2021-23 periódusra: Dr. Alexander Haliassos (Greek Society of Clinical Chemistry Clinical Biochemistry - GSCC-CB).
Dear All,
The result of the ballot for the election of the Executive Board Secretary and Treasurer, for the term 2021-2023, was concluded on January 31st.
In summary 60 societies voted (out of 89 having the right to vote), giving preferences as follows:
SECRETARY (1st pass):
Dr. David Kinniburgh (Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists - CSCC)
received votes: 35 (58,3%)
Dr. Tahir Pillay (South African Association of Clinical Biochemistry-SAACB)
received votes: 25 (41,7%)
Accordingly to the results, we are glad to announce that the Secretary is Dr. David Kinniburgh.
TREASURER (1st pass):
Dr. Alexander Haliassos
(Greek Society of Clinical Chemistry Clinical Biochemistry - GSCC-CB)
received votes: 40 (66,7%)
Dr. Loralie Langman
(American Association for Clinical Chemistry-AACC)
received votes: 20 (33,3%)
Accordingly to the results, we are glad to announce that the Treasurer is Dr. Alexander Haliassos.
Full details of the ballot may be found from the independent company that conducted the ballot, at following link: https://secure.electionbuddy.com/results/2QXJJ7X69MQ4
On behalf of the Nomination Committee, I wish to congratulate all nominated members and the newly elected Secretary and Treasurer.
Dr. Graham Beastall