Utazási és szállástámogatás az
Euromedlab 2005. (Glasgow) Kongresszusra!
Magyarországról max. 5 fő kaphat utazási és szállástámogatást a Szervező Bizottságtól. További részleteket az alábbi angol nyelvű felhívásból tudhatnak meg: "A number of bursaries are being made available by the Euromedlab 2005 Committee to assist attendance at the meeting next year in Glasgow. See
A maximum of 5 bursaries will be available for your country and these will cover the Registration costs only, not travel or acommodation. We ask that the National Society gives consideration to who should receive these bursaries. The Organising Committee of Euromedlab 2005 would not wish to be prescriptive in who should receive this financial assistance, but our feeling is that we wish to support the younger element of the profession, particularly those who are intending to actively participate in the meeting by for example presenting a poster.
I would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this E-mail and communicate the names of those you wish to receive a bursary to me before the end of this year. For information, the invitation to register for the meeting will be available from September.
Dr Richard Spooner, Local Chairman, Euromedlab 2005
Biochemistry, Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow G12 0YN, UK
Tel: +44 141 211 3470 (Internal 53470)
Fax: +44 141 211 3452 (Internal 53452)
Duty Biochemist +44 141 211 3455