The development of reference measurement procedures to establish metrological traceability Ronda F. Greaves, Lindsey G. Mackay Establishing metrological traceability for small molecule measurands in laboratory medicine Christoph Seger, Anja Kessler, Judith Taibon An isotope dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS)-based candidate reference measurement procedure (RMP) for the quantification of aldosterone in human serum and plasma Judith Taibon, Tobias Santner, Neeraj Singh, Sara Cheikh Ibrahim, Galina Babitzki, Daniel Köppl, Alexander Gaudl, Andrea Geistanger, Uta Ceglarek, Manfred Rauh, Christian Geletneky An isotope dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS)-based candidate reference measurement procedure (RMP) for the quantification of methotrexate in human serum and plasma Anett Engel, Lena Ruhe, Neeraj Singh, Jo Anne Wright, Franziska Liesch, Friederike Bauland, Annika I. Ostermann, Tamara Sumalowitsch, Vincent J. T. Schweinsberg, Andrea Geistanger, Johannes Kolja Hegel, Christian Geletneky, Judith Taibon An isotope dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS)-based candidate reference measurement procedure (RMP) for the quantification of lamotrigine in human serum and plasma Linda Salzmann, Tino Spescha, Neeraj Singh, Tobias Schierscher, Martina Bachmann, Friederike Bauland, Andrea Geistanger, Lorenz Risch, Christian Geletneky, Christoph Seger, Judith Taibon An isotope dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS)-based candidate reference measurement procedure for the quantification of topiramate in human serum and plasma Linda Salzmann, Tino Spescha, Neeraj Singh, Anja Kobel, Vanessa Fischer, Tobias Schierscher, Friederike Bauland, Andrea Geistanger, Lorenz Risch, Christian Geletneky, Christoph Seger, Judith Taibon An isotope dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS)-based candidate reference measurement procedure (RMP) for the quantification of gabapentin in human serum and plasma Linda Salzmann, Janik Wild, Neeraj Singh, Tobias Schierscher, Franziska Liesch, Friederike Bauland, Andrea Geistanger, Lorenz Risch, Christian Geletneky, Christoph Seger, Judith Taibon An isotope dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS)-based candidate reference measurement procedure for the quantification of levetiracetam in human serum and plasma Anja Kobel, Tobias Schierscher, Neeraj Singh, Linda Salzmann, Franziska Liesch, Friederike Bauland, Andrea Geistanger, Lorenz Risch, Christian Geletneky, Christoph Seger, Judith Taibon Recent advances of drugs monitoring in oral fluid and comparison with blood Sara Casati, Maddalena Binda, Paola Dongiovanni, Marica Meroni, Alfonsina DAmato, Gabriella Roda, Marica Orioli, Massimo Del Fabbro, Gianluca M. Tartaglia One fits all: a highly sensitive combined ddPCR/pyrosequencing system for the quantification of microchimerism after hematopoietic and solid organ transplantation Friederike Häuser, Jens Mittler, Misra Simge Hantal, Lilli Greulich, Martina Hermanns, Annette Shrestha, Oliver Kriege, Tanja Falter, Uta D. Immel, Stephanie Herold, Brigitte Schuch, Karl J. Lackner, Heidi Rossmann, Markus Radsak Design of an algorithm for the detection of intravenous fluid contamination in clinical laboratory samples Cristian Rios Campillo, Maria Sanz de Pedro, Jose Manuel Iturzaeta, Ana Laila Qasem, Maria Jose Alcaide, Belen Fernandez-Puntero, Rubén Gómez Rioja Sex-specific disparities of serum pepsinogen I in relation to body mass index Wenshen Xu, Bin Yang, Sheng Lin, Fuguo Zhan, Huijuan Chen, Xiaoming Qiu, Can Liu Rapid and efficient LC-MS/MS diagnosis of inherited metabolic disorders: a semi-automated workflow for analysis of organic acids, acylglycines, and acylcarnitines in urine Barbora Piskláková, Jaroslava Friedecká, Elika Ivanovová, Eva Hlídková, Vojtěch Bekárek, Matú Prídavok, Ale Kvasnička, Tomá Adam, David Friedecký Persistently elevated serum concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) Cristina Collazo Abal, María Covadonga Fernández Marcos, Pedro Casado Rey, María Pía Vázquez Caamaño, Henrik Alfthan, Hannu Koistinen, Ulf-Håkan Stenman Pediatric reference interval verification for 16 biochemical markers on the Alinity ci system in the CALIPER cohort of healthy children and adolescents Mary Kathryn Bohn, Randal Schneider, Benjamin Jung, Khosrow Adeli Serum GFAP pediatric reference interval in a cohort of Danish children Lea Tybirk, Claus Vinter Bødker Hviid, Cindy Soendersoe Knudsen, Tina Parkner Higher troponin T serum concentrations in hospital patients without diagnosed cardiac diseases compared to a population-based cohort Romy Gessner, Christiane Gärtner, Maria Schmidt, Felix Eckelt, Kerstin Wirkner, Markus Löffler, Tobias Uhe, Berend Isermann, Ulrich Laufs, Thorsten Kaiser, Rolf Wachter Neopterin and kynurenine in serum and urine as prognostic biomarkers in hospitalized patients with delta and omicron variant SARS-CoV-2 infection Lenka Kujovská Krčmová, Kateřina Matouová, Lenka Javorská, Petr mahel, Mikulá Skála, Vladimír Koblíek, Jan kop, Dorota Turoňová, Markéta Gančarčíková, Bohuslav Melichar Limitations in using the EFLM WG-A/ISO approach for assessment of reagent lot variability Hassan Bayat, Jesper V. Johansen, Lorin Bachmann, Nils Person In reply to: Limitations in using the EFLM WG-A/ISO approach for assessment of reagent lot variability Marc H.M. Thelen, Marith van Schrojenstein Lantman, Guilaine Boursier, Florent Vanstapel, Mauro Panteghini ChatGPT, critical thing and ethical practice Amnuay Kleebayoon, Viroj Wiwanitkit AI, diabetes and getting lost in translation: a multilingual evaluation of Bing with ChatGPT focused in HbA1c Jaume Barallat, Carolina Gómez, Ana Sancho-Cerro UK diagnostics in the era of permacrisis: is it fit for purpose and able to respond to the challenges ahead? Dimitris K. Grammatopoulos, Weizi Li, Lawrence S. Young, Neil R. Anderson The underestimated potential of vibrational spectroscopy in clinical laboratory medicine: a translational gap to close Sander De Bruyne, Charlotte Delrue, Marijn Speeckaert A universal reference interval for serum immunoglobulins free light chains may be outdated Susan L. Fink, Mark H. Wener, Joseph W. Rudolf, Ann Nwosu, Danyel H. Tacker, Kamran Kadkhoda, Anne E. Tebo, Maria Alice V. Willrich The likelihood ratios of FIB-4-values for diagnosing advanced liver fibrosis in patients with NAFLD Arne Åsberg, Lena Løfblad, Gunhild Garmo Hov |