Dear Colleagues,
The next IFCC webinar: "D-dimers and different clinical applications" July 6, 2022
DDimers is a determination that has several applications. It's classic use is to rule out thrombosis and can be also used to predict its recurrence.
D-Dimer (DD) is a molecule that comes from the degradation of stabilized fibrin. Its presence indicates fibrinolysis secondary to the formation of a fibrin clot.
Therefore, it constitutes a specific marker of fibrinolytic activity in processes that produce excessive fibrin formation, even without being thrombotic.
In relation to cancer, it can be used to exclude thrombosis, also as predictor of venous thromboembolism, as prognosis of recurrence of thrombosis, and as prognostic factor for the disease.
This webinar comprises of three following presentations of 20 min each followed by 20 min of panel discussion at the end.
Talk 1: DDIMERS AND THROMBOSIS - Dr. Gloria Ramos
Talk 2: DDIMERS AND CANCER IN PEDIATRICS - Prof. Yudiana Montenegro
Talk 3: DDIMERS AND COVID 19 - Dr. Alejandro Morales de la Vega
- Schedule: 20 min per speaker plus 20 min panel discussion
- Time Zones: Live presentations starting at: 11:00AM EDT-New York ; 5:00PM CET-Rome; 11:00PM CST-Beijing;
Important: Please ensure that you carefully determine the time that the presentation will start in your global time zone. Click here to convert to your time-zone. - Recorded webinar: available on demand
- Certificate of participation: available for all registrants
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