Az EFLM 2020. május-júniusi hírlevele megtekinthető ide kattintva
A tartalomból:
Hot topic: The Communication between the Clinical Laboratory and the Clinician
EFLM in Corona: Consequencies of the pandemic in EFLM activies
EU Medical Device Regulation: Postponement of the Regulation to 26 May 2021
Updates on EFLM Publications: 3 new papers are available!
Table of contents:
Hot Topic in Laboratory Medicine: The Importance of Communication between the Clinical Laboratory and the Clinician - The Key for Proper Medical Care
EFLM Executive Board informs
News from EFLM functional units
Updates on EFLM publications
Upcoming EFLM events
Past EFLM events
News from EFLM National Societies
IFCC corner
Calendar of EFLM events and events under EFLM auspices